Saturday- 27th December

This morning we took Sarchie to the beach at Seahouses.

He wasn’t too sure of what to make about the sand, but he really enjoyed himself. Again he was off his lead and walked with me to ‘heel’ all the time. I again rewarded him after he was good with small snacks of liver, which I had in a small bag with me.

He went to the waters edge and paddled fof a bit in the water, but did not go in too far. I think he preferred walking and running on the sand.

It was dry but there was a cold breeze, so we didn’t stay too long. He again loved every minute of it. As he is only a puppy (you wouldn’t think so by his size now), we only stayed at the beach for about 30 mins before we took him home again to relax.

He is absolutely brilliant at home with Nana and Grandpa. He loves being allowed to roam freely in the house in the front room. He spent most of the rest of the day either sleeping on his rug, or chewing on his new chew strips.

He has really settled in well here and loves the freedom of the countryside.

About Georgie